Why Content Marketing Funnels Are Essential For Recruiters

6 min read

· Content Marketing
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In the fast-paced world of recruitment, standing out from the crowd is essential for success. You want to attract high-quality talent, but the complexities of the different marketing channels can seem daunting—where do you even start?

Enter the content marketing funnel, a powerful tool that can revolutionise the way you attract and retain top-tier clients and candidates. To help you understand how it all works, we’ve put together an easy guide on how content marketing funnels are changing the game for recruitment agencies around the globe.

What is a content marketing funnel?

A content marketing funnel is essentially a way to funnel leads through the process of becoming customers. It begins with creating brand awareness so your agency is visible to the right people, which, when done right, results in the lead turning into a valued customer.

Usually made up of three stages—attracting potential clients, teaching them about your brand, and bringing them on as a client—content marketing funnels help you make a plan for how you will deliver the right content to the right people based on their behaviour and goals.

If a potential client or candidate has never heard of you before, it’ll naturally be harder to persuade them to sign up, but keep posting valuable content and that’ll soon change!

Why do you need a content marketing funnel?

Because recruitment agencies operate in such a competitive landscape, potential clients and candidates can have their pick. To make sure you are front of mind when they’re making their final decision, you’ll need to differentiate yourself from your competitors. How? Content marketing funnels, of course.

Here are the kinds of rewards you can reap with this content marketing strategy:

  1. Become a thought leader – Having a content marketing funnel will ensure that you’re putting out thoughtful content that’s relevant to your audience. No one likes a blatant sales pitch straight off the bat, so here’s where you can subtly but powerfully make your move. Write and post blogs and articles that show your audience you know your stuff, and you’ll be on your way up.

  2. Nurture your relationships – Content marketing funnels enable you to create targeted and personalised content that speaks directly to the goals and concerns of potential clients and candidates. By providing valuable resources such as salary guides, career advice, industry trends, and recruitment tips, you can build a loyal audience that views your agency as an essential partner in their journey.

  3. Guide the journey – Instead of throwing content out into the big wide web and hoping something sticks, content marketing funnels give you a template to work with so you can guide people through the sales process. You can reach more potential clients by creating a tailored journey that leads to them choosing to work with you.

  4. Optimise when you need to – Because content marketing funnels are very data-driven, you can track key metrics like website traffic, engagement rates, and lead generation. These numbers help you identify what’s working and what might need improvement. You can constantly refine your funnel, ensuring it attracts the right talent and converts clients and candidates.

How can you create a content marketing funnel?

Building a successful content marketing funnel requires strategic planning, engaging content, and consistent effort. But the rewards are undeniable: a steady stream of high-quality talent, a pipeline of qualified leads, and a reputation as a top-tier recruitment agency.

Start with some research. Identify your target audiences and define their specific skills and behaviours. Then decide where and how you will reach your respective audiences. Are they mostly on Facebook? Or is LinkedIn a better platform for this audience?

Decide what content will be suitable for each audience at each stage of your funnel, and get creating!

The content marketing funnel in action

As an example, to reach quality candidates for the hospitality industry, you might use the below content marketing funnel.

Top of the funnel

  • Audience: People who are looking to get into the hospitality industry. They’re casually looking, but they haven’t heard about your agency yet.

  • Goal: Brand awareness.

  • Content: Post social media content that’s targeted to this demographic—think short FAQs or videos about working in the industry.

Middle of the funnel:

  • Audience: These people have heard about you, but they don’t yet understand how much you can help them.

  • Goal: Build trust and credibility.

  • Content: Provide more in-depth content pieces like e-books and guides. Perhaps some insights into how to succeed in your hospitality career.

Bottom of the funnel

  • Audience: They know about your agency and what you provide. They’ve narrowed their choice of agency down, and they’re considering who to approach.

  • Goal: Convert. Make yourself number one!

  • Content: Use real-world stories and testimonials to cement their decision to work with you. Ask existing customers for their input here. Pro tip: you could even create a video testimonial to gain plenty of traction across social!

Need some help with your recruitment marketing?

If that all sounds great, but you just don’t have the time to make it happen, we’re here to help!

Three Sixty Digital are recruitment marketing specialists with one mission: to empower recruitment agencies with proven digital strategies that drive growth, transform brands, and make a lasting impact in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Through our dedicated recruitment marketing services, we seek to challenge the norms and push the boundaries of what’s possible in digital marketing. Our creativity knows no limits as we create impactful recruitment marketing campaigns that cut through the noise.

Ready to get started? Book a discovery call with us today.

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